Stephen Mold (SM)
Helen King (HK)
Paul Fell (PF)
Paul Bullen (PB)
Louise Sheridan (LS)
Darren Dovey (DD)
Rob Porter (RP)
Phil Pells (PP)
Scott Richards (SR)
Action – HK and DD to work through last few posts which are not part of the formal establishment so that Sm can approve the base budget.
Action – HK and DD to sit down and review increased spend since October 2019 to understand what this looked like.
SM very grateful to DD and his team for taking this forward and thanked all for their work on the budget.
Action – PP and PF will review a gap analysis provided in response to Grenfell Phase 1 report and present to the Accountability Board when the report is finalised.
Action – DD will make the chief constable aware of gaps from policing perspective.
Action – DD to respond to IT concerns and issues raised by SM so they can be discussed in their 1-2-1 meeting on 10/1/2020