PFCC Stephen Mold (SM)
Nicci Marzec (NM)
Paul Fell (PF)
Louise Sheridan (LS)
Stuart McCartney (SMc)
Helen King (HK)
CFO Darren Dovey (DD)
ACFO Shaun Hallam (SH)
ACFO Rob Porter (RP)
PSP Manager Lisa Bryan (LB)
Nick Alexander (NA)
Assistant Chief Officer Paul Bullen (PB)
SM welcomed everyone to the meeting
Assurance Statement.
The Commissioner was largely assured that NFRS either had or were on track to deliver the conditions as set out and agreed between him and Chief Fire Officer for the financial year 202/21.
He was assured that many of the conditions and already been met and particularly in relation to more effective financial management. Some areas still required improvements and these, as such might be reflected again in the forthcoming 2021/22 letter.
Action – PF to write to two new Unitary leaders to put partnership working with NSRA on their radar.
Assurance statement:
The Commissioner was satisfied and assured with the approach taken by NFRS in relation to the delivery of road safety, in particular their partnership approaches via NSRA.
He accepted that there had been some decline in certain activity in the past months as a result of the Covid pandemic, meaning that face to face activity had reduced but was assured that plans existed to restart this at an appropriate time in the future.
Action – DD draft letter for the Commissioner to send to MP’s