8th June 2021
1. Welcome and introductions
PFCC Stephen Mold (SM)
Nicci Marzec (NM)
Paul Fell (PF)
Louise Sheridan (LS)
CC Nick Adderley (NA)
Colleen Rattigan (CR)
Apologies were accepted from DCC Nickless, ACC Blatchly, ACC Pauline Sturman and Stuart McCartney
SM welcomed everyone to the meeting.
2. Previous minutes and action log
3. Health and Safety
Action – NA to look into PSU level 3 training records to explain the marked increase.
Assurance statement:
The Commissioner welcomed the paper and the assurance it provided in relation to compliance with legal frameworks and requirements.
The Commissioner was pleased that the Force was making good use of the data at its disposal, particularly in relation to assaults on officers.
The Commissioner looked forward to seeing the results of the further analysis that had been commissioned
4. A.O.B
Action – CR to provide an update to NM outside of this meeting on progression of the cadet’s review implementation work.
Action – NA to discuss November timeline for work in relation to cadet’s review with ACC Sturman to ensure any work required is started in good time.
No further business was raised.