PFCC Stephen Mold (SM)
Nicci Marzec (NM)
Paul Fell (PF)
Louise Sheridan (LS)
Helen King (HK)
CFO Darren Dovey (DD)
ACFO Shaun Hallam (SH)
ACFO Rob Porter (RP)
Assistant Chief Officer Paul Bullen (PB)
Area Manager Kerry Blair (KB)
Apologies were accepted from: Stuart McCartney
SM welcomed everyone to the meeting
Area 1 – Savings arising from Joint Opportunities can be realised in the short term and will be progressed
Area 2 – Savings from operational activities which can be implemented over a medium-term timeframe but could have an operational impact
Area 3 – With the exception of training, Protection and prevention for where savings would be a retrograde step, these relate to operational considerations for which significant further work would be required and are longer term to identify and implement.
Action – SM to write to the Home Office about the affordability of Police and Fire pensions
Action – SM and PB to discuss further at their next meeting
Assurance statement:
The Commissioner was assured that good progress has been made in preparing the savings plan, some savings can be immediately taken forward and other options for which further work will take place.
Reserves are now sufficient to meet both unforeseen risks and to smooth the impact on timing of savings plans or funding receipts.
The Commissioner was assured by the further work on the Capital programme which he has approved with a review in the Autumn to include ESN and any other unspecified areas.
Assurance statement:
The Commissioner recognised the good progress made by NFRS to issues identified in the 2018 HMICFRS inspection, particularly in relation to the identified causes for concern.
The Commissioner sought reassurance that the service was properly prepared, and able to evidence, all the positive work it has undertaken in readiness for the next HMICFRS reinspection.
Whilst the Commissioner was assured that progress has been made, he suggested that the Service was better able to articulate and evidence the areas where improvements had been completed. Where improvements were ongoing, they should also be able to clearly articulate why this was the case.
Assurance statement:
The Commissioner recognised the work undertaken by the service in order to revise the quarterly performance report. The report was clear and articulated the key performance areas for NFRS and the delivery of the IRMP.
The Commissioner was assured that progress was continuing in relation to pump availability and response times.
The Commissioner discussed falling demand, a trend that can be seen year and urged the Chief Fire Officer to consider the opportunities that this provided for reform.
No further business was raised.