PFCC Stephen Mold (SM)
Nicci Marzec (NM)
Paul Fell (PF)
Louise Sheridan (LS)
ACFO Shaun Hallam (SH)
ACFO Rob Porter (RP)
ACO Paul Bullen (PB)
Apologies were accepted from CFO Darren Dovey, Helen King and Stuart McCartney
SM welcomed everyone to the meeting
The NFCC, APCC and LGA have recently agreed a national Code of Ethics for Fire and Rescue Services.
The Commissioner requests a paper
Assurance statement:
The Commissioner welcomed the report from the Chief Fire Officer and was assured that the Chief Fire Officer and his team had responded positively to this recently agreed national code of ethics.
He was grateful for the fact that they had already started work to properly embed this across the organisation, including into development, selection and recruitment, discipline and promotion processes.
He indicated that he would be looking to raise this at accountability board again in 9 months’ time to seek examples of where this had made a difference
The Commissioner requests a paper, following the Internal Audit paper from May 2021, which provides an overview of all internal audits, not reported in May 2021, to include all recommendations made from audits undertaken in 2020/2021, whether these recommendations have been accepted, progress against their completion and where not completed outlines the timescales for their completion.
Assurance statement:
The Commissioner was assured that Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service had governance processes in place to receive, action and monitor internal audit recommendations and that the overall audit report position was more positive than last year.
The Commissioner made the point that those areas where audit had reported less than satisfactory levels of compliance this year were broadly the same as those the previous year and he set a clear expectation that these areas would demonstrate at least a satisfactory level of compliance next year.
No further business was raised.