PFCC Stephen Mold (SM)
Nicci Marzec (NM)
Paul Fell (PF)
Louise Sheridan (LS)
CFO Darren Dovey (DD)
ACFO Shaun Hallam (SH)
Apologies were accepted from: ACFO Robin Porter, ACO Paul Bullen and Stuart McCartney.
SM welcomed everyone to the meeting
Technical review.
Impact of Covid-19
Action – SM to put HMO’s on a future Panel meeting agenda and Paul Fell to raise with Lisa Bryan at NFRS in order to look to see if a coordinated multi agency approach can be taken to resolving some of the issues associated with HMO and risk.
Capital Financing
General Reserve
Treasury management paper.
Assurance Statements:
Budget Outturn report
The Commissioner was assured that he had seen further improvement in the budget and financial management from staff at NFRS.
However, some areas require robust financial management and both Chief Fire Officer and Chief Finance Officer assured him that there was a plan in place to tackle these remaining areas.
The Commissioner agreed three carry forward proposals that were articulated in the paper presented to him.
Treasury Management Outturn report
The Commissioner noted the paper presented to him.
He was assured that there were effective processes in place, that complied with CIPFA guidelines relating to Treasury Management.
The Commissioner noted the low level of income generated from investments but recognised that this was as a result of the current economic climate and the need to be prudent with public money.
The Commissioner requests a report that:
Action – HK to check the budget envelope in the revenue budget.
Assurance statement:
Fire Control Update
The was pleased to see that progress was being made on the tender for a replacement system.
He reminded the Chief Fire Officer that there was an agreed financial envelope for the procurement of a new system and that in the event that the Chief Fire Officer wished to procure a product beyond this envelope, he would not sign an order until he was assured that the appropriate savings had been identified to meet this gap.
Action – HK/SK to review the impact of those approaching retirement on the NFRS establishment
Action – DD to write business case around the Firefighter Apprenticeship scheme and discuss with the Commissioner.
Action – HK to share draft Home Office letter with DD