10th August 2021
1. Welcome and introductions
PFCC Stephen Mold (SM)
Nicci Marzec (NM)
Paul Fell (PF)
Helen King (HK)
Louise Sheridan (LS)
CC Nick Adderley (NA)
DCC Simon Nickless (SN)
Colleen Rattigan (CR)
Vaughan Ashcroft (VA)
Sarah Crampton (SC)
Apologies were accepted from ACC Blatchly, ACC Pauline Sturman, and Stuart McCartney
SM welcomed everyone to the meeting.
2. Previous minutes and action log
3. Budget outturn 2020/21
Police Pay
Local policing
Specials and volunteers
ACTION – PF to put a request for a paper relating to Specials and volunteers on a future accountability board agenda
Public protection and Commissioning
Action – LS to arrange for the Commissioner to visit the Evidential property team
Action – VA to provide comparable overtime data for the Commissioner to review.
Action – DCC Nickless to speak to Paul Bullen for update on the various Enabling strategies (Estates, IT, Digital and Vehicles and Operational equipment) and then update commissioner. What external support can get to maximise all the various plans are correctly sequenced for maximum benefit.
Treasury management paper.
Assurance statement:
Budget outturn report
The Commissioner received this paper and thanked the Chief Constable for the ongoing improvements made since his appointment in financial management.
He noted that there had been as planned a reduction in overtime spend but asked whether this was in line with agreed targets and requested further details on this.
He questioned whether there was any opportunity to look to invest to save by bringing in temporary staff to assist in delivery of parts of the capital investment plan, in areas that might make the Force more efficient or effective.
He was assured that the management and oversight of the budget provided to the Force was working effectively.
Treasury Management outturn report
The Commissioner noted this paper and was reassured that appropriate safeguards were in place with regards to Treasury management and that the Force was compliant with CIPFA guidance.
He noted the relatively low level of return on investments but recognised that this was in part due to the economic climate and the need to be prudent with public money.
4. Force Strategic priorities
Knife crime
Action – SM to convene panel to discuss escalation of young people involved in carrying knives.
Domestic abuse
Action – SC to provide breakdown of firearm recoveries.
Action – SM to discuss net zero benefit with Rupert Matthews PCC for Leicestershire who has written to the Home Office.
CJ outcomes
Exec summary
Action – SM to arrange for the Chief Constable to update the Police and Crime Panel members on progress.
Assurance statement:
From the presentation provided, the Commissioner recognised and was assured that there were signs of continued improvement in the performance of the Force.
He was particularly assured by the high and continually improving levels of satisfaction with victims of crime.
The Commissioner expressed some concerns in relation to a recent decline in relation to response times. There was a discussion relating to this and he was assured by the Chief Constables explanation for the reasons for the decline and his plans to improve them.
There was an acknowledgement that there was a renewed focus on the quality of service provided upon attendance at an incident, as opposed to just the speed of response.
The Commissioner was assured in relation to the increased focus on quality of life issues such as Anti-Social Behaviour.
Overall the Commissioner was assured that the Force continues to move in the right direction, concerning its performance, however he expressed the view, agreed by the Chief Constable that this was not universal across all areas and there was still significant improvement to be made
5. A.O.B