9th November 2021
1. Welcome and introductions
PFCC Stephen Mold (SM)
Paul Fell (PF)
Louise Sheridan (LS)
Tom Smith (TS)
CC Nick Adderley (NA)
DCC Simon Nickless
Assistant Chief Officer Paul Bullen (PB)
Colleen Rattigan (CR)
Sarah Crampton (SC)
Apologies were accepted from Nicci Marzec
SM welcomed everyone to the meeting.
2. Previous minutes and action log
3. Force Strategic priorities
The Chief Constable has adopted a suite of performance measures and targets relating to Force matters of priority.
The Commissioner requests a presentation/report that shows performance against these measures and targets.
Service and Response times
Action – SC to provide breakdown of call lags for 101 and 999 calls and post triage wait times.
Action – NA to provide a written explanation for the change in the performance against the agreed measure to Response times.
All crime /Demand
Knife crime
Action – SC to provide a better breakdown/explanation of DA interventions other than arrest in the next performance report
Action – SC to review and explain slower response times to DA and Covid
Action – NA to provide a formal overview of the issue with GPs and the backlog it is creating within the FELU so that SM can raise with the APCC.
Action – SM to raise Action Fraud with the APCC to establish what is being done to improve the service.
Assurance Statement
The Commissioner received a comprehensive briefing on a wide range of performance issues from the Chief Constable.
The Commissioner recognised the improvements that were being made in some areas but challenged the Force about the pace of progress in others.
The Commissioner will write to the Chief Constable with regard to some of the Forces ‘Matter of priority’ targets set by and agreed with the Chief Constable for 2021/2022.
In terms of ‘Response times’ the Commissioner reiterated that where a target or measure had been agreed and was not being met, there was a need for a greater understanding of this, to be able to explain this should he be asked to do so.
4. Deployable Workforce
Over recent years Northamptonshire Police has benefitted in significant growth in Police Officer numbers both through PFCC local precept arrangements and via the national uplift programme. The Commissioner wishes to ensure best value is being achieved through these additional investments.
As such, the Commissioner requires a report highlighting the establishment and strength in relation to police officer numbers. The report should demonstrate in detail not only these numbers, but also the breakdown of those that are on recuperative and restricted duties and the number of resources that are available for the full duties of a police officer. The report should differentiate between these categorisations and make it clear what progress is being made to maximise the numbers of police officers deployable in the full role of a Police Officer.
Action – The Commissioner thanked Paul for the overview on deployability but asked if the ‘Strength FTE’ numbers in the table provided could be checked and confirmed.
Assurance Statement
The Commissioner was assured that officers on restricted duties were being appropriately tasked with other policing duties. He was pleased to see that local Commanders were taking responsibility for the effective use of restricted officers rather than HR department staff.
He was further assured that whilst there was more work to do, the Force had, and were implementing better and more robust procedures to identify and regularly review the status of such staff.
5. Fleet Accidents
Fleet accident data as reported on the Force Intranet have increased over the past twelve months. The Commissioner requires a report outlining the numbers and rise in fleet accidents and damages over this period of time but focuses on what the Force understanding is of the reasons for accidents and what action is being taken to reduce these given the potential effects on budgets.
Assurance Statement:
The Commissioner thanked ACO Bullen and the Joint Fleet and Logistics manager for the enhanced use of data, that had led to a much more focused and improved understanding of the use of the fleet, as well as accident data and information.
While the data showed some areas of concern, changes were in train that improved safety of staff and the public, as well as reducing costs and creating greater capacity within the Force fleet.
The improved use of data was welcomed
6. A.O.B