10th May 2022
1. Welcome and introductions
PFCC Stephen Mold (SM)
Paul Fell (PF)
Louise Sheridan (LS)
CC Nick Adderley (NA)
D/Chief Supt. Paul Rymarz (PM)
T/Chief Supt, Adam Ward (AW)
D/Supt Lee McBride (LM)
Colleen Rattigan (CR)
Sarah Crampton (SC)
2. Previous minutes and action log
3. Budget Conditions Letter Update
Force strategic priorities/matters of priority update
The Chief Constable adopted a suite of performance measures and targets relating to Force Strategic priorities for 2021/2022.
The Commissioner requests a presentation/report that shows performance against these measures and targets at year end
Knife crime
Domestic Abuse
Action – The Chief Constable to provide the Commissioner with an update on the drone project and when it will be launched.
The Force also has Prevent officers – working with institutions on education support ideas i.e., Op Repeat.
Service delivery including Response times
Action – Chief Constable to write to the Commissioner with the rationale for changing the Response time target.
Assurance statement:
The Commissioner thanked Sarah Crampton and her team for the quality of the data and supporting papers. The paper provided the Commissioner with an assessment of how the Force had performed against the targets and measures set as part of the Chief Constable’s agreed matters of priority for 2021/2022.
There were a number of areas that resulted in discussion. Satisfaction with victims of anti-social behaviour has dropped. The Commissioner was pleased with a recently piloted approach to dealing with ASB which had seen early signs of improved levels of satisfaction but stated that he felt more needed to be done to better understand this issue. He was assured that recording of crimes overall and for high-risk matters such as domestic abuse was robust.
The Commissioner acknowledged that there had been a change in the operating environment that had affected response times but was concerned about the drop in performance. While accepting that the Force response times for emergency calls was below the national NPCC target of 15 minutes he made clear he did not accept the change to this national target from a local one mid-year and reinforced to the Chief Constable the importance of response times..
Overall, the Commissioner was assured that performance was moving in the right direction in many areas, with work still to do in others.
4. Integrated Offender management
The Commissioner requests an update on the process of IOM in Northamptonshire Police and Northamptonshire as a whole.
The paper ought to articulate what IOM is, how it is delivered in the County and the Northamptonshire Police contribution to this.
The Commissioner would like to understand how the process of offender management works in the County and how it can be better and most effectively supported.
Assurance Statement :
The Commissioner received a paper outlining the progress of integrated offender management in the County and welcomed the positive work that had been undertaken over the last 6 months. The briefing that accompanied the paper demonstrated some positive case examples of some of the early successes.
He also welcomed the positive commitment and support from the Probation Service.
Overall, the Commissioner was pleased with progress and asked for an update report to be provided in 6 months’ time.
5. Stop & Search
The Commissioner requires a report concerning stop and search powers and their use in Northamptonshire.
As well as presenting data on the use of stop and search over the last three years in Northamptonshire, the report should provide a commentary on the considered effectiveness of stop and search in the policing of the County, as well as demonstrating areas of stop and search where the data presents disproportionality or potential disproportionality, with commentary on the understanding of why this might be the case
Assurance Statement:
The Commissioner welcomed the paper from the Force on this subject. He noted that it was interesting that the Force received very few complaints relating to stop and search and in some cases, in areas affected by high crime levels, members of the public regularly asked officers to conduct these searches in greater numbers.
The Commissioner was pleased with the increases in the seizures of knives and weapons recovered from stop and search activity.
There was a discussion about disproportionality relating to black members of the community and while this is lower in the County than nationally there was still some evidence that this existed. The Commissioner challenged the Force to better understand this and address or evidence it and was assured that work is ongoing to do so.
6. A.O.B