PFCC Stephen Mold (SM)
Paul Fell (PF)
Helen King (HK)
Louise Sheridan (LS)
CFO Darren Dovey (DD)
ACFO Shaun Hallam (SH)
ACFO Rob Porter (RP)
Group Manager Jim Dorrill (JD)
Assistant Chief Officer Paul Bullen (PB)
Joint Head of Finance Nick Alexander (NA)
SM welcomed everyone to the meeting
Apologies were accepted from Nicci Marzec
The minutes from the previous meeting were approved.
Relevant updates on any outstanding actions were provided and the Action Log updated.
The Commissioner requires a paper that outlines the performance of NFRS against the measures and metrics that make up the NFRS IRMP.
Primary fires
Secondary fires
Fire related deaths
Action – PF to schedule an input relating to prevention and protection activity at a future meeting.
Non-domestic fires in non-domestic premises
Action – Jim Dorrill to provide further information on what led to an increase in the number of injuries arising form accidental fires in the periods highlighted.
Sickness data
Protection – High Risk Inspections
Appliance availability
Action – Jim Dorrill agreed to investigate this and ensure that the appropriate data was reflected in HMICFRS report.
Average response times
Killed or Seriously Injured (RTC performance data)
Assurance Statement:
The Commissioner was presented with the regular quarterly report on the performance of NFRS against the metrics in the IRMP.
Overall, the Commissioner was assured that fires and overall demand on the service were continuing to reduce, with the effect that local communities are safer from fire. This was particularly the case in respect of fires in people’s homes which continued to see a long-term decline.
The Commissioner noted the recent increase in secondary fires, which included issues such as bin fires and wildfires. The recent local trend in this is mirrored at a national level and following a discussion, the Commissioner asked the Chief Fire Officer to continue to monitor this, to explore potential options for additional interventions if this trend continued.
The Commissioner expressed some concerns about increasing sickness levels with staff and asked whether absence management arrangements were robust.
The Chief Fire Officer stated that there were good policies and procedures in place in relation to this but at some levels of supervision he and his team felt there could be improvements in the application of these and that there was work ongoing to ensure that this was the case. The Commissioner stated that he would continue to look at this over the next quarter and would hope to see some improvements.
In terms of prevention the Commissioner was pleased to see a return to higher levels of home fire safety visits despite some of the pandemic-based restriction the service had been operating under over the past 12 months or more. He thanked the Chief Fire Officer for this focus.
The Commissioner is aware that firefighters can apply for the abatement of their pension, allowing retirement, with access to their pension lump sum and further ongoing employment with the drawing of their annual pension, at the point they cease employment.
The Commissioner requests a report which:
In addition, the report should articulate the number of abatement request made since 1st January 2019, along with the number granted, and the reasons for agreement or rejection, and the total number of employees currently serving on abatement.
Action – Helen King via the Pensions Board to ask the pensions administrator for their views on best practice pension abatement proposals for the service to consider.
Action – Paul Bullen to benchmark the Fire service abatement process against the Police framework.
Action – Shaun Hallam to ensure that future Pension Abatement proposals meet the requirements of the recently issued LGA guidance.
Assurance Statement:
The Commissioner made it clear that his rationale as Fire Authority for requesting this report was to assure himself there was a fair and objective process in place for the authorisation of continued employment post retirement of firefighters and any pension abatement. The paper was supported by the NFRS policy on this matter.
The Commissioner noted that the number of people that were affected by this was small. The Chief Fire Officer stated that there were good policies and procedures in place in relation to this but he and his team felt there could be improvements in the application of these and that there was work ongoing to ensure that this was the case.
The Commissioner stated that he would continue to look at this and would hope to see some improvements.
The Commissioner expressed the need for the Chief Fire Officer to ensure that effective and proper succession planning was in place for key roles as a means of ensuring roles were undertaken rather than a reliance on this approach. He did not see evidence that this was the case across the board but wanted to ensure that proper planning was evident.
The Commissioner made it clear that any abatement proposals moving forward need to be compliant with the LGA guidance and pension and HMRC requirements in this regard.
Action – Chief Fire Officer to consider and discuss how the tri-service model could be taken forward along with the offer by the PFCC to pump prime such a model from reserves.