9th August 2022
1. Welcome and introductions
PFCC Stephen Mold (SM)
Paul Fell (PF)
Nicci Marzec (NM)
Helen King (HK)
Louise Sheridan (LS)
CC Nick Adderley (NA)
Colleen Rattigan (CR)
Vaughan Ashcroft (VA)
Sarah Crampton (SC)
2. Previous minutes and action log
3. Budget Outturn position 2021/2022
The Commissioner requests a report on the Northamptonshire Police financial outturn position for 2020/2022
Police pay
There was a discussion about bank holiday pay and OT; The Commissioner questioned why this appeared to be increasing and sought assurance from the Chief Constable that it was being gripped.
Action – NA to review police officer recruitment plans
It was noted that there was an underspend for PCSOs but that they were at full base strength at the start of the financial year.
Local Policing Areas
Officer overtime made up the bulk of the overspend and was incurred to reach minimum staffing levels
Legal Expenses
The variance against budgets results from additional legal fees and settlement of legal claims in line with the year end professional assessments of legal reserves and provisions.
Action – PF to ask the OPFCC Complaints and Customer Service Manager to review and share with NA and SM.
Force Control Room
Staff pay was over budget across the department partly due to lower than anticipated attrition, higher levels of sickness and Covid isolation cover.
Enabling Departments
Action – NA to check whether the Commissioner needs to sign the BlueLight Commercial standstill agreement with BMW.
Central budgets
Carry forwards
Assurance statement:
The Commissioner received this report relating to the out turn position of the Force for the financial year 2021/2022.
He was again assured in relation to the processes in place for the effective understanding and monitoring of the Force budget, as well as the reducing volatilities in budgets.
The Commissioner agreed to carry forward requests from the Force to the value of £142,000.
The Commissioner did challenge the ongoing costs of overtime, in relation to delegated budgets considering the Chief Constable had reduced overtime budgets within the last two years. Following a discussion on this matter, which included an explanation of additional abstractions that needed to be covered for PEQF student officers, the Commissioner was assured that the Force were aware of these issues and the need to try to manage some aspects of overtime spend more effectively.
The Commissioner reiterated the need, considering current inflationary pressures for the Force to continue to make progress on the delivery of efficiency and financial savings that had been agreed.
4. Matter of priority update
The Chief Constable has adopted a suite of measures and targets relating to the Force matters of priority for 2022/2023.
The Commissioner requires a report that outlines the progress to date on these against the agreed baselines.
Action – PF and OPFCC Insight Analyst Tom Smith to review some of the performance questions and indicators with Sarah Crampton and DCC Blatchly.
Service Delivery
Action – NA to review the timeliness of PPN processing in the MASH
All crime highlights
Victim Satisfaction
Serious violence
Assurance Statement:
The Commissioner welcomed the paper in relation to the adopted matters of priority for the Chief Constable.
He was assured that there were areas where the Force had and continued to see improvements.
There was a detailed discussion about several areas where the Commissioner required further assurances about how the Force would seek to improve performance. These included response times, serious violence and knife crime.
There was a discussion about the need to improve the clarity of some of the measures of success for these matters of priority. To make them more ambitious and further work was requested on these to be presented back to the Commissioner.
5. A.O.B