Stephen Mold (PFCC)
Paul Bullen
Paul Fell
Helen King
Jelena Motte (Budget item only)
Louise Sheridan
Darren Dovey (CFO)
Rob Porter
Shaun Hallam
The minutes from the previous meeting were approved.
Action Log
Relevant updates on any outstanding actions were provided and the Action Log updated.
ACTION: R Porter to risk assess the S106 allocations to enable a view to be taken on the financial exposure facing the PFCC.
ACTION – Jelena Motte to attend the Fire SLT meeting to brief further on the position.
ACTION – DD and HK to review the budget allocations after first quarter.
DD advised that there have been several attempts nationally at different patterns including a 5 watch system with grey days and more recently two x 12 hour shifts and self-rostering. Changes made locally are around better planning for central training. This was implemented on 1st January 2019.
ACTION – DD to send through information on a High Court challenge in South Yorkshire and Hereford and Worcester that was referred to a Technical Advisory Panel (TAP)
ACTION – DD to write up case study on Sywell and Kettering. Both incidents took place in the daytime. Evidence that capable of maintaining fire cover.
ACTION – Need a communications plan for when HMICFRS report is released. (Important to note that the NFRS is not an outlier within family group. Anna Rittler to draft and share with Deborah Denton).
Action – Requirement for stronger links between plans and efficiencies. DD to prepare a list to give to Zoe Billingham to discuss what has been moderated. i.e. response times in other services example