Stephen Mold (PFCC)
Paul Bullen
Paul Fell
Helen King
Jelena Motte (Budget item only)
Louise Sheridan
Darren Dovey (CFO)
Rob Porter
Shaun Hallam
The minutes from the previous meeting were approved.
Action Log
Relevant updates on any outstanding actions were provided and the Action Log updated.
ACTION – PF to link RP into the Qlik team to discuss if suitable.
ACTION – DD to review to make the measures clearer and more meaningful relating to firefighter and officer development.
Action SM agreed to discuss Police vetting of fire volunteers to ease recruitment and staffing issues
ACTION – PB to discuss with Paul Greenwood.
ACTION – SM will discuss further with the Chief Constable and the Chief Fire Officer when they next meet.
Action – DD to continue discussions with Warwickshire before any statement of intent is signed.