PFCC Stephen Mold (SM)
Paul Fell (PF)
Helen King (HK)
Louise Sheridan (LS)
ACO Paul Bullen (PB)
CFO Darren Dovey (DD)
Area manager Kerry Blair (KB)
Apologies were accepted from: ACFO’s Shaun Hallam, Robin Porter, ACO Paul Bullen & Nicci Marzec
SM welcomed everyone to the meeting
The Commissioner requires a report of the performance against the measures and metrics contained within the IRMP. This report as per the usual quarterly reports should demonstrate the current position and three-year trend data and analysis.
Primary and secondary fires
Appliance availability
Response times
Home Fire Safety visits
Action – It was agreed that either Shaun Hallam or Kev Hardwick will take the Commissioner through the Covid Recovery plan.
Assurance Statement:
The Commissioner received a quarterly update in relation to the performance of NFRS, focused on the outcomes articulated in the IRMP.
Generally, the figures and demand were showing signs of return to pre Covid lockdown levels.
The Commissioner was assured that in most areas, performance was in the right direction, meaning that residents were safer.
He did lead a discussion in relation to pro-activity of NFRS staff on matters such as Home Fire Safety Checks. While accepting that these were now increasing, he was looking for further assurance that all stations and all watches were fully engaged in this process.
The Commissioner has previously agreed a capital investment plan with the Chief Fire Officer.
He requests a report that outlines the progress that has been made against this plan to the point in the year. This report need not be limited to but should include:
Assurance statement
The Commissioner noted progress against this plan; a number of areas that were on track; and some signs of slippage in others.
The Commissioner accepted that some of the issues, such as hardware delivery were somewhat out of the controls of NFRS and resulted from the worldwide shortage of microchips and disruptions in the supply chain.
The Commissioner while satisfied at this point, stressed that he was looking for the Chief Fire Officer to ensure that resources were in place to provide deliverable solutions for the agreed capital investment plan.