PFCC Stephen Mold (SM)
Nicci Marzec (NM)
Paul Fell (PF)
Louise Sheridan (LS)
Stuart McCartney (SMc)
Helen King (HK)
Nick Alexander (NA)
Paul Bullen (PB)
CFO Darren Dovey (DD)
ACFO Shaun Hallam (SH)
Apologies were accepted from ACFO Robin Porter
Additional attendees for the Interoperability Update:
CC Adderley, DCC Nickless, ACC James Andronov, Chief Officer Paul Bullen
Tri-Service Role
Joint Community Safety Activity
Tri-Service Emergency Service Volunteers
Joint Command Facility
High Risk Missing People
Action – SH and JA to produce a template that identifies all the different streams of work that are being undertaken relating to operational interoperability. This work can be progressed through the Interoperability Board rather than Accountability Board.
Assurance Statement:
The Commissioner welcomed the report from both Chiefs. He expressed his gratitude for the progression of the work relating to shared enabling services.
The Commissioner recognised and commended the work that was taking place in the background on the operational interoperability agenda but encouraged the Chief Fire Officer and Chief Constable to progress this work further, given that there are some areas where they have already agreed in principal with him, that they wish to explore.
The Commissioner remains convinced that there are areas in this agenda that provide a real opportunity for the provision of enhanced service to the public. The Commissioner expects work in relation to proposals for a shared Police and Fire Control Room to be developed rapidly.
Draft budget and capital programme
Action DD and SH to review the capital programme and consider whether reprofiling of some of the elements could be undertaken.
NFRS performance update
Assurance statement:
The Commissioner welcomed this most recent performance update from the Chief Fire Officer, notably the elements that matter to the public, such as response times and availability of pumps.
While accepting of the fact that the Covid 19 pandemic has positively affected things like availability of retained firefighters the Commissioner took the view that many of the improvements underlying these performance measures were genuine and were sustainable in the longer term.