PFCC Stephen Mold (SM)
Paul Fell (PF)
Helen King (HK)
Louise Sheridan (LS)
CFO Darren Dovey (DD)
ACFO Shaun Hallam (SH)
ACFO Robin Porter (RP)
Group Manager Jim Dorrill (DR)
SM welcomed everyone to the meeting
The Commissioner requires a report on the performance against the measures and metrics contained within the IRMP.
Primary fires (deliberate and accidental)
Action – PF/JD to discuss how Fire Prevention data could be used to strengthen the round 4 Safer Streets bid.
Fatalities from fires
Action – LS to raise with Jackie Jones and Lisa Bryan to organise.
Non-domestic fires
Appliance availability
Response times
All incidents
Assurance Statement:
The Chief Fire Officer reported on the performance of NFRS against the measures in the IRMP.
Overall, the Commissioner was assured that progress continued to be made in reducing the risks to local people, with performance positive in most areas.
The Commissioner was concerned about the increased rate of short-term sickness. The Chief Fire Officer stated that this was mainly covid related but that work was needed with some junior managers to ensure that repeated bouts of short-term sickness was identified earlier and managed appropriately. This work is underway.
The Commissioner was pleased that the agreed 3-year high risk based inspection programme was on track.
The Commissioner requires a report that provides an end of year update on the implementation of actions arising from the Grenfell Tower Part 1 report.
The report should be high level and describe the number of actions completed and those that remain outstanding. In the event there are actions that remain outstanding the report should provide detail of what they are, the reason that they remain outstanding and anticipated completion dates.
Assurance Statement:
The Commissioner was provided with an update about continued progress relating the local action plan arising from the findings of the Grenfell Tower fire inquiry Part 1. This was considered alongside the recent HMICFRS inspection and it appears that comments on that will be positive.
The Commissioner is assured that at this point progress is good and appropriate and that there is strong governance around this.
No further business was raised