PFCC Stephen Mold (SM)
Paul Fell (PF)
Helen King (HK)
Louise Sheridan (LS)
CFO Darren Dovey (DD)
ACFO Shaun Hallam (SH)
ACFO Rob Porter (RP)
SM welcomed everyone to the meeting
Apologies were accepted from:
ACO Paul Bullen and Nicci Marzec
The minutes from the previous meeting were approved.
Relevant updates on any outstanding actions were provided and the Action Log updated.
Action – DD to update the Commissioner and Monitoring Officer following the FBU meeting, in relation to role map dispute for missing person searches.
The Commissioner requires a report that provides details of the final outturn position for Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service for the financial year 2021/2022
Action – SH is already working with Deanna to drill down into the payment of overtime and use of Bank staff and he will pick this up with NA on his return from annual leave. HK advised that NA will keep her sighted and involve her as required.
Assurance Statement:
The Commissioner was presented with a paper on the outturn budget position for 2021/2022.
The Commissioner was assured with the improved position this year, relating to compliance with procurement and financial rules. He was assured that any noncompliance was isolated rather than widespread and as such stressed that after 3 years of new governance more robust action needed to be taken against those that failed to comply.
He agreed that further analysis was required on an ongoing basis on the worrying overspends on overtime and bank staffing and asked for this to be undertaken and included in future monitoring reports so that remedial action could be taken.
The Commissioner agreed the Fire carry forward requests outlined in the paper, totalling £101,000 and the transfer to earmarked reserves set out in the paper.
The Commissioner acknowledged that there had been some Covid related slippage in leadership training last year. He reiterated the importance of not letting this happen again this year, given the links between this and the cultural concerns expressed in the HMICFRS inspection.
The Commissioner, recognising the current position on inflationary pressures asked for more details to be provided on progress against the 2022/2023 efficiency and savings plans.
The Commissioner requires a report that provides a written update on the progress made so far on the Chief Fire Officer emergency cover review. This should also include an assessment of progress relating to any agreed timescales.
Action – PF to update SM after his meeting with RP
Assurance Statement:
The Commissioner, whilst welcoming the fact that the report stated work was on track in relation to the emergency cover review, he was disappointed that given the importance of this work, there was a lack of detail in terms of the initial findings of the analysis undertaken thus far. However, he welcomed confirmation that the review team had now involved enabling departments in this work.
The Commissioner requested a further update after the meeting between PF and RP on 12th August 2022.
Regarding timescales, the Commissioner was cognisant of the tight deadlines but reminded the Chief Officer Team that these were their deadlines. He made the point that while he did not support a long delay, it was important that the work was thorough. He reiterated the urgency of the work but mindful that getting is right was more important than meeting an arbitrary deadline.
The recent HMICFRS inspection of Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service has identified a potential cause for concern in relation to culture in the workforce. While the inspection report is still in draft format it raises significant concern and will require the NFRS to produce an action plan to address those issues by 31st August 2022.
The Commissioner requires a copy of this action plan and a covering paper demonstrating an understanding of the issues in the HMICFRS report ahead of this being submitted to HMICFRS.
However, there were insufficient funds to support every request that was made to the Commissioner without additional savings and the Chief Fire Officer prioritised a complex case officer post for the investment.
Assurance Statement:
The Commissioner requested this report following the cause of concern identified by HMICFRS in their last inspection of NFRS.
He acknowledged that the current action plan was in draft form but that it appeared to deal with the points raised by HMICFRS. He reiterated however that this was a theoretical action plan, and it was only through effective delivery that the issue will be resolved.
The Commissioner made the point that while there was a cause of concern from HMICFRS to be addressed, this was not the end game. This is part of a wider people, culture and values piece of work to make sure that the NFRS workforce is representative, inclusive and values everyone.