Welcome and introductions
PFCC Stephen Mold (SM)
Paul Fell (PF)
Helen King (HK)
Louise Sheridan (LS)
CFO Darren Dovey (DD)
ACO Paul Bullen (PB)
ACFO Shaun Hallam (SH)
ACFO Robin Porter (RP)
Area Manager Phil Pells (PP)
Area Manager Kerry Blair (KB)
Apologies were accepted from: Nicci Marzec
SM welcomed everyone to the meeting
The Commissioner requires a report relating to National Operational Guidance for the Fire Service and the new emerging Fire Standards for the service.
The report should explain what National Operational Guidance is, what Fire Standards are, and how they differ.
It should seek to reassure the Commissioner that NFRS has processes in place to effectively comply with both and how progress is being made to do so. Where appropriate it should outline risks or issues associated with compliance, either in terms of not being able to reach those standards or where resources to do so are of concern
This agenda item was presented via two linked but separate papers.
National Operational Guidance (NOG)
Action – PP to run through the financial costings for NOG implementation and training arrangements with Nick Alexander to ensure everything is forecast correctly.
Fire Standards
Action – PF to consider draft Police, Fire and Crime Plan to assess if Code of Ethics statement requires adding
Assurance Statement
He recognised that a national self-assessment was now in place and was assured by the Chief Fire Officer that the local assessment against this will be completed by the end of 2021.
The Commissioner was pleased and assured that NFRS had understood the National Operational Guidance and commenced implementation of the elements that related to the local service. He was pleased that some of this was being worked on in collaboration with other services in the East Midlands.
The Commissioner was assured that effective progress was currently in place for a service of the size of NFRS but stated that this was a subject he would wish to remain briefed on and would ask for a further update and reassurance in mid 2022.