I read last year that after referral of a very small percentage of residents- over a thousand, a figure of 61% was quoted of people happy to pay 19 pence per week to pay for extra policing. You then took the decision to charge £1.00 per month extra.
With this increase to residents in Northamptonshire to in your own words “ provide a first class policing service “ and for the sake of transparency please give the up to date figures for Northants police against other forces in the UK as percentage successes against reported crime in there various sectors. In essence with the extra money given to you, where in the Police Table of successes do we fit?
Some of the information requested is held by the Office of the Northamptonshire Police and Crime Commissioner.
The Office of the Northamptonshire Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) and Northamptonshire Police are two separate legal entities and information regarding operational policing matters and performance is the responsibility of Northamptonshire Police. However Force performance figure are published regularly on the internet. In addition to this, force performance data is published as part of the regular PCC updates to the Police, Fire and Crime Panel. Details of which can be found here
Comparative Information relating to the performance of Northamptonshire Police is published on the website.
The specific link for Northamptonshire Police is as follows:
Information about the performance, efficiency and effectiveness of the force is also published by Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary and Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS) and can be found at:
Finally, the Office of National Statistics publishes recorded crime figures for all forces in England and Wales:
ONS also publishes details on outcomes which can be found at:
Could you send me, the names and contact details, including email address of any/all person(s) who are involved in the decision making-process for the Procurement of Telecoms and IT Hardware and Services for your organisation. (Eg Procurement, IT, Sustainability roles)
All decisions of public interest are taken by the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner and are published on our website along with Contact details of the Commissioner.
The Governance Team within the Office of the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner for Northamptonshire are responsible for advising the Commissioner in relation to the decision making-process for the Procurement of Telecoms and IT Hardware and Services. Paul Fell is the Director responsible for Delivery and he is supported by Heather Cowley whose is the OPFCC Digital Delivery and Cyber Engagement Manager.
The Office of the Northamptonshire Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) and Northamptonshire Police are two separate legal entities. Information regarding operational policing matters is the responsibility of Northamptonshire Police, therefore the OPCC does not hold all of the information you have requested. Northamptonshire Police’s Information Unit may hold some of the information you are seeking.
Wootton Park School are in the process of building a new school building on
land that I believe the Northamptonshire Police Authority have agreed to sell.
This development can only be taking place if a legal agreement is in place and I
would request details of that agreement.
Specifically can you advise
1) The Area of Land covered by any such agreement, please provide a map
and a statement of the size of the area.
2) What proportion of the whole estate does this represent?
3) Has any agreement been made for Wootton Park School to use facilities
or make use of land that is not covered by the agreement?
4) What consideration or compensation will pass between the two parties as
a one off payment or recompense over a period of time?
a. If over a period of time how many years?
5) When was the formal agreement signed and who made the decision on
behalf of the Police Authority? Please supply a copy of the report I advice
recommending approval.
1) The Area of Land covered by any such agreement, please provide a map and a statement of the size of the area. The area marked out in red on the map equates to around 2.5 acres of land.
2) What proportion of the whole estate does this represent?
The whole Wootton Park Estate including all public sector occupied land is 45 acres ( Police, Fire, Ambulance, NCC, MOLA) therefore the area marked out in red equates to 5.5%, however, ownership of the 45 acre site is split across those public sector partners
3) Has any agreement been made for Wootton Park School to use facilities or make use of land that is not covered by the agreement?
4) What consideration or compensation will pass between the two parties as:
a)one off payment or recompense over a period of time
b) If over a period of time how many years?
No – The agreement is not with the Wootton Park School but with the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESFA), on behalf of the Department for Education, and there will be no additional payments to either the school or ESFA from the OPFCC.
5) When was the formal agreement signed and who made the decision on behalf of the Police Authority? Please supply a copy of the report/advice recommending approval.
Decision Record 80 was signed by the OPCC Chief Executive on 6 September 2018 with a supporting report from the CEX dated 18 January 2018. A copy of the report and decision record is attached. The delay between the initial report in January 2018 and the Decision Record in September 18 is due to contractual negotiations and procedure.