As part of its annual inspections into police effectiveness, efficiency and legitimacy (PEEL), HMIC’s effectiveness programme assessed how well forces keep people safe and reduce crime.
Within this programme, HMIC’s vulnerability inspection examined the overall question, ‘How effective are forces at protecting from harm those who are vulnerable, and supporting victims?’ HMIC considered in depth how forces respond to and support missing and absent children and victims of domestic abuse, and assessed how well prepared forces are to respond to and safeguard children at risk of sexual exploitation.
HMIC judges Northamptonshire Police to require improvement. The force has started to analyse demand but does not yet have a clear picture of all the areas of demand that it faces; nor has it sufficiently assessed future demand.
The force needs to develop how demand analysis is used to allocate resources and consider how to encourage joint working across Northamptonshire. While the force has started to assess the impact of demand from other public sector organisations, it has yet to work closely with them to jointly reduce this demand.
Download the 2015 HMIC Police Efficiency Report for Northamptonshire Police