The Police, Fire and Crime Panel (PFCP) holds the Police, Fire and Crime Commissioner to account.
The Police, Fire and Crime Panel is a body made up of local elected councillors and independent members with the responsibility to scrutinise and support the work of the Police and Crime Commissioner.
The PFCP is not a local government committee, however it is obliged to meet in public, to publish agendas and minutes, and to fulfill the following responsibilities:
The panel is made up of councillors drawn from each of the local authorities in Northamptonshire according to a set allocation of places, and two independent co-opted members drawn from the local community. The current membership is as follows:
North Northamptonshire Council
West Northamptonshire Council
Independent Co-opted Members
Meetings take place at 1pm and the dates currently scheduled to take place are as follows:
The agenda papers for meetings are published five working days in advance. You can get them from our Police, Fire and Crime Panel Reports page. Alternatively, you can obtain copies from County Hall or download them from the West Northamptonshire Unitary Council’s website.
The panel meetings are normally held in public and you can attend. You can also address the Police, Fire and Crime Panel or ask a question on any item on the agenda for a particular meeting.
If you would like to speak at a Police, Fire and Crime Panel meeting, or have any questions about the PFCP, please contact James Edmunds at West Northamptonshire Council two working days before the date of the meeting.
More information on the PFCP can be found at the Home Office website.