11th May 2021
1. Welcome and introductions
PFCC Stephen Mold (SM)
Nicci Marzec (NM)
Paul Fell (PF)
Louise Sheridan (LS)
Stuart McCartney (SMc)
CC Nick Adderley (NA)
DCC Simon Nickless (SN)
ACC Pauline Sturman (PS)
Colleen Rattigan (CR)
Sarah Crampton (SC)
Laura Jones (LJ)
Apologies were accepted from ACC Blatchly
SM welcomed everyone to the meeting.
2. Previous minutes and action log
3. Force strategic priorities performance update
Action PF to discuss NBCP proposal with Pauline Sturman
Residential Burglary
Domestic Abuse
Action – Paul Fell to ensure that an evidential difficulties deep dive is on a future accountability board agenda.
Knife Crime
Serious and Organised Crime
Action – Paul Fell to consider how we can lobby for a better service from Action Fraud and how we better communicate with victims of lower level fraud.
Action – Paul and Sarah to discuss so can better understand as comparative data doesn’t make sense.
Killed and Serious Injury Road Collisions
Response times
Neighbourhood visibility
CJ Outcomes
Assurance statement:
The Commissioner agreed with the direction of intended travel on the Chief Constables agreed 4 Strategic Priorities for 2021/2022. These covered many of the areas of concern that have been previously highlighted in local consultations.
He made the point there were areas that were not defined priorities this year, but where he still expected performance to be maintained or improved, such as residential burglary. The Commissioner was assured by the Chief Constable that this would be the case.
Reflecting on last year’s performance the Commissioner noted that there had been some notable measures of success but that there was still improvement to be made in certain areas, notably relating to personal crime and positive actions and outcomes.
The Commissioner was pleased to see that many of these were covered in the Force internal targets for the year and made the point that he was looking for a wider range of these internal targets to be met this year, in comparison with last year.
4. Hate Crime
Assurance statement:
The Commissioner welcomed the level of understanding and focus that the Force could demonstrate on this agenda.
He noted the increase in offences over the last three years but was assured that the crime recording was ethical.
Overall the Commissioner was assured on the activity of the Force on this subject.
5. A.O.B
No further business was raised.