10th November 2020
1. Welcome and introductions
PFCC Stephen Mold (SM)
Nicci Marzec (NM)
Paul Fell (PF)
Louise Sheridan (LS)
Stuart McCartney (SMc)
Tom Smith (TS)
CC Nick Adderley (NA)
DCC Simon Nickless (SN)
ACC Simon Blatchly (SB)
Colleen Rattigan (CR)
Sarah Crampton (SC)
D/Supt. Richard Tompkins
DCI Insp. Andy Glenn
Apologies were accepted from ACC James Andronov
2. Previous minutes and action log
3. Force strategic priorities performance update
Action SC to provide a breakdown of the crime types recorded online
Action DCC Nickless to provide a briefing on secondary investigations to the Commissioner.
Action ACC Blatchly to work with Vicky Martin from OPFCC to shape this work
Residential burglary: Overall levels are stable. Increase in recent weeks but sustained lower levels. On track to achieve 15% reduction target by March 2021. Will have the biggest reduction in the country on the current direction of travel.
RASSO: Offences have returned to more typical levels with Op Antigua in July adding several historical offences.
Action ACC Blatchly to speak to Nicci Marzec about educational priorities.
Action SC to provide further breakdown of sexting occurrences.
Knife crime: Levels remain high, but threat and possession outweigh the Use of knives. An NCQRS algorithm pilot will provide greater understanding of why the Force is an outlier nationally. Early indications suggest under recording levels in other Forces with some showing 70% under recording ours showing 12% so better when making comparisons with other forces.
Action – The Commissioner requested further information in relation to those who use a knife versus those who carry a knife. He would also like to see where the offences are occurring; in a domestic situation or on the street.
Killed and Seriously Injured on our Roads: Volumes remain low in 2020. Very good national ranking and in line with our MSG
Action SN to resolve data sharing issue with NCC
Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation: The return of schools has seen an increase in reports however most reports are still from officers not partners. Child neglect is a growing concern with police increasingly using S46 powers to safeguard vulnerable children. High risk missing children is also on the increase as are ongoing concerns about sexting offences between young people.
Action SN to review MOSOVO visit schedule against the Chief Constables target and provide update and reassurance to the Commissioner as to when the Force will be at levels of outstanding visits that meet this.
Serious Organised Crime: There has been sustained higher levels of fraud and cybercrime. In addition, serious violence is increasing (national trend also upwards) mostly linked to OCG and gangs.
Action DCC Nickless to provide the Commissioner with a detailed breakdown of SOC cyber offences.
Action LS to arrange for the Commissioner to re-visit the High-Tech Crime Unit.
Vulnerability: Stable volumes at higher level. Mental Health related incidents account for 6.3% of all incident demand. During lockdown use of S136 powers much higher.
Action – SC to review data and provide update to the Commissioner on why the Force might be an outlier with it’s peers relating to the increases in the use of S136 powers.
Response times: Average Grade 1 response times are slightly above the 11-minute target but showing some signs of recent improvement. Time to dispatch on Grade 2’s is increasing on both LPA’s. There has been a small improvement in visibility of neighbourhood teams, but this is still below target.
Action – PF to liaise with the Force to schedule an update on Response times and visibility at a future Accountability Board.
Outcomes and Criminal Justice: Positive outcomes are improving although the Force remains an outlier in key indicators.
Victim satisfaction: Improving trend with overall satisfaction levels showing an increase in all crime types.
Assurance Statement – Performance update paper and presentation
The Commissioner received the most recent performance update from the Chief Constable.
The Commissioner acknowledges the Force is progressing in relation to vision and leadership and there are areas concerning HMICFRS findings from the last inspection programme where the Chief Constable assures him progress is being made. This is positive and foundations are laid for performance improvements. The Commissioner is confident that hard work is underway to make these improvements.
The Commissioner recognises and is assured, that changes the Force have made are having a positive impact in some areas; particularly in relation to burglary which has been reducing over the past 12 months. In addition, expressions of Service satisfaction from victims of crime shows ongoing improvements, with very high levels in some categories.
The Commissioner remains concerned that the Force is an outlier in some cases with its most similar group of Forces and nationally in some areas, notably knife crime and RASSO.
He seeks additional assurance the Force properly understands why this is the case and has an operational plan to fully understand this and address the issues identified.
The Commissioner has made the offer to support a better understanding of this with some additional funding or resource if required by the Force.
4. Domestic Abuse
Action RT to provide breakdown to the Commissioner of DA cases which were virtual online matters against physical face to face abuse.
Action NM to update Vicky Martin on Symposium idea led by OPFCC and discuss partnership approach with ACC Sturman to include Adult services, Vulnerable adults and younger couples who could be at the start of damaging relationships that could continue for the rest of their lives.
Assurance statement – Domestic Abuse paper
The Commissioner received this annual update in relation to domestic abuse. He was assured that the Force overall had a good response to domestic abuse, a fact borne out in some respects by the satisfaction levels of victims of these crimes.
As discussed at the meeting, the Commissioner felt that there was a need for greater understanding and insight about what services victims expect or require; when contacting the police to better meet victim needs at the point of contact.
5. A.O.B