13th October 2020
1. Welcome and introductions
PFCC Stephen Mold (SM)
Nicci Marzec (NM)
Paul Fell (PF)
Helen King (HK)
Louise Sheridan (LS)
Stuart McCartney (SMc)
CC Nick Adderley (NA)
DCC Simon Nickless (SN)
Colleen Rattigan (CR)
C.Supt Ash Tuckley (AT)
C.Supt Mick Stamper (MS)
Vaughan Ashcroft (VA)
Apologies were accepted from ACC James Andronov, ACC Simon Blatchly and Paul Bullen
2. Previous minutes and action log
3. Budget conditions letter update
Action – Most recent burglary attendance rates to be provided to SM for clarification
Action – ACC Blatchly and Paul Bullen to continue to explore potential options and opportunities along with the appropriate legal guidance.
Action SN to share Vision paper on Qlik with SM
Action – NA to discuss the performance review of Conditional Cautions under Project PIPA with SM.
Action – C.Supt. Mick Stamper to send through information on planned high visibility Ops planned when the timetable is completed.
4a. Budget Condition Letter Assurance Statement.
The Commissioner thanked the Chief Constable for the quality of the report received.
He sought clarification and assurance on some of the content in order to gain clarity on some additional work that is underway. The Commissioner was assured in relation to the robustness of the budget monitoring arrangements that were in place and noted that this had improved significantly in recent years.
The Commissioner could see progress being made in many areas relating to the budget conditions letter and overall was assured on this. He was particularly pleased that additional resources would be in place in some neighbourhood policing teams and the rural crime team by the end of November 2020.
The Commissioner still required some additional information about how the Chief Constable saw the future of neighbourhood policing in the County and the Chief Constable is producing a paper specifically in relation to this in the next 8-12 weeks.
he Commissioner expressed some concerns that progress on plans to deliver greater operational interoperability between Northamptonshire Police and Northamptonshire Fire and Rescue Service were not as advanced as he expected.
He was conscious that there was a governance structure in place to oversee this but required some additional reassurance on the speed of progress on this work and asked for a joint paper to be brought to this meeting in December 2020.
4a. Mid-term budget position
This report was presented in two parts: A mid-term budget update and a presentation on the early considerations and scenarios for the Medium Term Financial Plan
Mid-term budget position Assurance Statement.
The Commissioner noted the Force response to COVID 19 had placed some additional financial pressures on the Force.
The Commissioner also noted that this was the case in the Chief Constable’s decision for the need to strengthen the leadership of the Force through the introduction of additional Superintendent posts. He noted the contents of the paper and the potential forecast overspend position. Staffing and overtime costs were placing some pressures on the Force budget this year and the Commissioner recognised the efforts being made and processes put into place by the Chief Constable to effectively manage these.
As with the budget conditions letter paper, the Commissioner was reassured by the robustness of budget monitoring processes that were in place, the responses he received to questions raised and stated that these had seen significant improvements in recent years.
The Commissioner articulated that there would, in the case of an overspend on this year’s Force budget, be a requirement to carry that forward into the next financial year
4b. MTFP scenarios and assumptions
5. A.O.B