14th June 2022
1. Welcome and introductions
PFCC Stephen Mold (SM)
Paul Fell (PF)
Nicci Marzec (NM)
Louise Sheridan (LS)
CC Nick Adderley (NA)
DCC Simon Blatchly (SB)
Colleen Rattigan (CR)
2. Previous minutes and action log
3. Force 5-year plan update
In 2021 the Chief Constable wrote and delivered his 5-year plan, outlining the vision for the future shape and delivery for Northamptonshire Police. The Commissioner requests a report that outlines the progress to date for delivery against this plan.
Quality of Service
Release Capacity
Action – PF to speak to SB outside the meeting to discuss the feasibility of apprenticeships for digital forensics.
Prevention and Intervention
Action – DCC Simon Blatchly to find out if Suzy Lamplugh Trust animated videos are being used, if not, why and rectify.
Effective Partnerships
Healthy Culture
ACTION – Chief Constable to provide a position statement on progress towards the Northamptonshire Observatory, highlighting progress and other agencies involved.
Assurance statement:
The Chief Constable presented a paper outlining some of the highlights on progress towards his 5-year vision, one year after publication.
The paper outlined progress in several areas, within the five high level outcomes or aspirations set out in the vision’s strategic roadmap:
During the presentation there were discussions relating to the issue of positive outcomes and the longer-term vision for this, following initial improvements in the past year. Both the Chief Constable and Commissioner agreed there was scope for further improvements here.
The Commissioner challenged the Chief Constable in relation to the benefit that the public would see from the work being undertaken on the Force branding. The Chief Constable made the point that this work was aimed at setting an appropriate tone for the professionalism of the Force moving forwards, particularly in relation to service with an improved customer focus.
The Commissioner acknowledged the improvements the Force had made but reflected that there was still more to do; notably, putting the public first and improved outcomes, to deliver the outstanding Force that both he and the Chief Constable aspired to.
The Commissioner stated that he would have liked to have seen a more explicate reference to the Police Fire and Crime Plan in the document given that this is how he will evaluate the success of the Chief Constables vision.
4. Internal Audit
The Commissioner requires a report that outlines the internal audits from 2021/22. The report should include the overall findings, any recommendations made and whether these are accepted by the Force. Where this is the case, the report should include the progress made in relation to these and include projected completion timescales where not completed.
Action – DCC Blatchly to ensure the Internal Audit Recommendations Dashboard is reviewed and tidied up, to reflect the current position.
Assurance Statement :
The paper presented to the Commissioner outlined the results of the internal audit regime for the Force over the past 12 months.
While acknowledging the fact that audits should be in many ways targeted at areas where there might be concerns or are high risk, the Commissioner did challenge the number of such audits over the past year where only limited levels of assurance had been provided.
DCC Blatchly provided assurance to the Commissioner that improvement had been made. He confirmed that the Force Assurance Board is now responsible for ensuring that where issues were identified in audits they are prioritised and rectified in a timely manner.
The Commissioner noted that there were a few areas such as seized property and NCALT training that regularly appeared on audit reports, and he expected these to be resolved and closed. He also acknowledged that improvements had been made to the overall management of these processes and as a result he had greater confidence in the monitoring measures that the Force now had in place.
5. A.O.B